lightweight construction - folding constructions

Due to dwindling resources, an increase in material efficiency is becoming increasingly important, in addition to the use of renewable raw materials. Functional folding enables new types of lightweight construction and thus sustainable product design. vulcanised fibre offers decisive advantages for the highly stable volumes produced in the isometric folding process. Due to the fact that the material can only be removed layer by layer, film hinges can be created in the material. Vulcanised fibre SAVUTEC® can be bent, punched and embossed precisely without any post-processing and is also extremely tear-resistant.

In order to analyse especially the production-technical folds, a workshop with the multiple award-winning specialist for industrial origami, Mrs. Kristina Wißling, will take place in cooperation with Generationdesign GmbH.initially developed for the aerospace industry, lightweight construction elements are today an essential factor for e.g. electromobility, the reduction of energy required for transport and building constructions.between 2002 and 2007 the demand for lightweight construction materials already increased by 300%. A further five-fold increase is expected by 2025. (Source: Berylls management consultancy)