Sustainable drinking packaging made from vulcanised fibre
Drinking cartons are considered an environmentally friendly packaging solution for juices, milk and many other beverages. Yet the environmental balance is worse than its good reputation suggests. The big problem is that the material contains thin plastic layers to make it impermeable to liquids. This results in numerous disadvantages.
The disadvantages of conventional drinking cartons
Plastic requires the finite resource of petroleum, which means that the material is not sustainable and the extraction of petroleum is associated with numerous environmental risks such as the contamination of biotopes and high energy requirements. The plastics used can be recycled later, but not all packaging is recycled. Above all, their environmentally friendly reputation means that private individuals do not dispose of drinking packaging properly in the yellow bin. Thrown away carelessly, drinking cartons do not rot and decompose over time into dangerous microplastics that can pollute entire ecosystems and become dangerous for animals.
Drinking cartons made from sustainable material vulcanised fibre
SAVUTEC Vulkanfiber consists of one hundred percent renewable raw materials, cotton linters and cellulose. A special process gives the vulcanised fibre a wide range of material properties. These ensure that SAVUTEC is ideal as a packaging solution for beverages. Here, the material only needs to be additionally coated with biodegradable substances to make it impermeable to liquids. Drinking cartons made of vulcanised fibre meet all the requirements of ordinary drinking packaging and are also sustainable and decompose without residue even in home compost.
Become a partner now
With SAVUTEC vulcanized fiber, we offer you an innovative raw material with outstanding qualities - both in terms of material properties and its environmental friendliness. Together with you, we will develop your product idea to market maturity. Would you like to learn more? Then get in touch with our innovation experts.
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