Sustainable packaging solutions made from vulcanised fibre
More and more people are attaching importance to environmentally friendly packaging. Your customers too?
Sustainable packaging solutions
made by Sachsenröder:
Good news for all packaging manufacturers: we have developed a material with which you can produce packaging that meets the constantly growing requirements and wishes of the food industry, retailers, buyers and end consumers to the highest degree: SAVUTEC® Food. SAVUTEC® Food is clearly superior to conventional packaging materials such as aluminium and plastic trays, especially in terms of environmental friendliness and sustainability.
Study confirms: Environmentally friendly packaging increasingly important.
A very important aspect, as a recent study confirms: In the food industry, the topic of "environmentally friendly packaging" is in focus - especially because the demands of retailers continue to increase: For them, packaging must be as light, practical, durable and functional as possible. For the legislator, they have to meet all the requirements for legal food safety. In addition, more and more buyers and end consumers are attaching greater importance to the environmental friendliness and sustainability of packaging. This makes SAVUTEC® Food exactly the right and future-proof solution for you as a packaging manufacturer.
Our insider tip for the food industry: vulcanised fibre.
SAVUTEC® Food is made of vulcanised fibre, a material that used to be used a lot but has almost been forgotten in the meantime. In contrast to conventional plastics, it is a natural and environmentally friendly composite material whose basic material consists largely of cotton fibres. These renewable plant fibres are processed into raw paper, which is transformed into SAVUTEC® brand vulcanised fibre by parchmentisation. SAVUTEC® is strong, horn-like and also an extremely flexible material: it can be easily shaped and the areas of application are correspondingly diverse.
Advantages compared to conventional packaging material
made by SAVUTEC® vulcanised fibre.
Trends and visions
become innovations.
Foodo brochure
Greaseproof organic trays and papers
pdf / 1,21 MB
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Sachsenröder GmbH & Co. KG
Friedrich-Engels-Allee 143
D-42285 Wuppertal
PO Box 20 16 22
D-42216 Wuppertal
T +49.202.280 54-0
F +49.202.899 93 7
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